In this issue, I share a personal story of using cheats with Pokémon. We also have a recap of the latest Pokémon news, and the return of the Johto Times mailbag
I remember using the item copy glitch in Pokémon Crystal to get more master balls. I had it attached to my Ursaring so it ended up filling boxes with that Ursaring. The only time I used a game shark was at a friend's house to get Jirachi and Deoxis.
Thank you for you message, Alex! I definitely used the Master Ball glitch for Pokémon Blue, and i'm sure I got myself a Celebi and Mew back then due to the rarity and time limited events.
I had a similar cheat device called Monster Brain. It only worked with the gen 1+2 Pokemon games exclusively, it didn't have any compatibility with any other games. It had a nice gui for editing the pokemon in your party and bag items. It also had the ability to make save backups to restore later.
One time I completely ruined my friends save file because I didn't understand how the feature worked. I overwrote his save file on Crystal with a random file with almost no progress! I still feel bad about it
I read the last part of your message with my hand over my mouth. Oh no! Yes, I would have been devastated if I had done that. However, it was a long time ago, do what I did and put that cheat device back on the shelf and learn from your lesson! :)
I remember using the item copy glitch in Pokémon Crystal to get more master balls. I had it attached to my Ursaring so it ended up filling boxes with that Ursaring. The only time I used a game shark was at a friend's house to get Jirachi and Deoxis.
Thank you for you message, Alex! I definitely used the Master Ball glitch for Pokémon Blue, and i'm sure I got myself a Celebi and Mew back then due to the rarity and time limited events.
I had a similar cheat device called Monster Brain. It only worked with the gen 1+2 Pokemon games exclusively, it didn't have any compatibility with any other games. It had a nice gui for editing the pokemon in your party and bag items. It also had the ability to make save backups to restore later.
One time I completely ruined my friends save file because I didn't understand how the feature worked. I overwrote his save file on Crystal with a random file with almost no progress! I still feel bad about it
Hey! Thank you for your comment, Gelmew
I read the last part of your message with my hand over my mouth. Oh no! Yes, I would have been devastated if I had done that. However, it was a long time ago, do what I did and put that cheat device back on the shelf and learn from your lesson! :)