It’s time for more Johto Times! This week, in volume 2, issue 16, I am publishing an interview with the legendary Pokémon fan website Universal Pokémon Network (UPNetwork), which was active between 1999 and 2001. It was one of the most popular websites of its time, and I had the pleasure of speaking with its webmaster, Jaxel. We also have a recap of this week’s Pokémon news!
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Vol. 2, Issue 16 - Interview with Universal…
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It’s time for more Johto Times! This week, in volume 2, issue 16, I am publishing an interview with the legendary Pokémon fan website Universal Pokémon Network (UPNetwork), which was active between 1999 and 2001. It was one of the most popular websites of its time, and I had the pleasure of speaking with its webmaster, Jaxel. We also have a recap of this week’s Pokémon news!