Thanks for the unlocking another memory from my childhood!

I just remembered that I have a photo with one of the poster from Pokemon Movie with Mewtwo.

I don't check our family album often, but thatyks to this article I want to check all of my photos and find any resemblence of Pokemon on the photos 😁

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Thanks for your comment, Warturtles! I hope you manage to look through those albums at some point and share something with us, they sound really cool!

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So happy to see Mewtwo Returns here! I loved it as a child, but nobody else had ever seen it. It's where Brock's (in)famous line "I'll use my frying pan as a drying pan" came from! Also the baby Nidoqueens lol. I still love the first six movies so much and watched them repeatedly when I was younger. This was fun to read and reminisce about. Thank you!

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Hi Mana thank you so much for your comment! Mewtwo Returns is a favourite of mine too! I couldn't bring myself to part with my copy, despite not owning a VHS player of my own any more. I looked up the DVD release, and it was quite expensive!

I'm really glad you liked this issue. I'll have more collection features in the future, so stay tuned!

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