Vol. 1, Issue 10 - Interview with Chris Nicolella
An interview with former Senior Game Producer at Tiger Electronics/Hasbro Toys who worked on the original Pokédex toy.
Today I am excited to be sharing an interview with Chris Nicolella, a former Senior Game Producer at Tiger Electronics/Hasbro Toys. Chris worked on several licensed Pokémon toys, most notably the original Pokédex. During the course of his career, Chris has launched over 200 licensed and original toy and video game products! In this interview, Chris told us how he got into the industry, what it was like to work with Nintendo and The Pokémon Company, and shared information. He also had photographs to share of some never-before-seen prototype toys and products he worked on that were never released!
I was fortunate enough to own a Pokédex toy myself, and I know that many of my friends had almost all the Pokémon toys that Chris mentioned in this interview. It was an honour to speak with, and thank, one of the key people behind these toys that were so far-reaching. Be sure to check out the interview by clicking the link below:
It’s important to note that Johto Times has now reached ten issues, and it has been great fun sharing a variety of different content with our readers so far. I appreciate all the supportive comments and feedback from readers, and from my team, who have helped to proofread our content before it goes live.
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