My Pokémon Collection - Part 7
Sharing even more items from my Pokémon collection which i've accumulated over the years
I've rummaged through my drawers, reached into my wardrobe, and searched beneath my bed to find even more Pokémon items from my collection. Today, I would like to share another mix of items that were released between 1999 and 2015. They are mostly from around the time of the Nintendo 3DS release. Do you own, or have ever owned any of these items?

New 3DS Cover Plate (Pokémon Sprites)
To mark the 20th anniversary of Pokémon Red, Blue, and the release of the games on 3DS eShop, Nintendo released Cover Plates featuring sprites from these games. I thought it was such a cool thing that I immediately bought it. It remained on my New 3DS for the rest of that year, while I played through Pokémon Yellow from the eShop!
New 3DS Cover Plate (Primal Groudon & Primal Kyogre)
I also purchased this awesome Primal Groudon & Primal Kyogre Cover Plate around June 2015. I liked how colourful it was, and how you could see straight through to the device itself. It was fun to swap and change these cover plates, and I wish there had been more Pokémon related ones to choose from.

Pokéball 3DS Cartridge Holder X & Y Pre-order bonus
I received this Poké Ball 3DS cartridge holder from a GAME store on release day, October 12th, 2013. My friend knew the manager of his local store, and after picking up the game elsewhere, he was able to snag one of these for me. For a few years afterward, I thought I had lost my copy of Pokémon HeartGold, only to discover it had been inside this case the entire time!

Pokémon Sun & Moon pre-order bonus pin badges
These Pokémon Sun & Moon pins were given to me by a friend who got them from a games store he was working in at the time. They were originally handed out to people who pre-ordered the games in-store. I was visiting my friend at the time and noticed he had them pinned up on his notice board, after which he proceeded to gift them to me. Quite the generous friend!

Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon pre-order bonus coin
Just prior to publishing this feature, I discovered another pre-order bonus hidden in the back of a chest of drawers during a clear out. This double-sided coin was originally given away to customers who ordered Pokémon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon, but I have no idea who gave it to me, or how I obtained it, at the time of writing. Hopefully I'll remember someday!
Latios Plush (Banpresto, Pokémon The Movie XY)
Ever since I was a teenager playing Pokémon Ruby, I always wanted to own a Latios plush. When my friend in Japan told me he was selling some of his plush toys, I jumped at the chance of buying his cute little plush. This was released in Japan by Banpresto in 2015, to commemorate the Pokémon movie Hoopa and the Clash of Ages that was released around that time.

Official Pokémon TCG League Badges
While I never had the opportunity to join a Pokémon League to play the Trading Card Game as a kid, I always loved the badges. At one point, I purchased a job lot of badges that would have been given out to players who achieved specific goals required of them. There’s a wide range of badges here based on in-game Kanto and Johto gym badges, and plenty of duplicates I am not currently sure what to do with at the time of writing. Perhaps I can trade some to get a full set? Regardless, it’s great to finally have some, but hats off to the trainers who originally earned them the proper way!

Pokémon Sliders
Pokémon Sliders were a toy that first released in 1999, they featured several characters from the first three Pokémon games. They contain a metal ball which helps them slide across flat surfaces, which allows players to slam them into other Pokémon sliders and targets created specifically for the product. I started collecting these from around 2022, and I currently have them displayed across the top of my bookcase. In 2025 I was able to purchase another sixteen figures. I hope to trade out and replace the extras I have to complete the set and own one of each!

Various vintage Pokémon plush toys
Who doesn’t love a cuddly toy? Throughout the years, I have purchased and been given plenty of them. However, some of my favourites are some of the earliest Pokémon toys sold, featuring Kanto and Johto Pokémon released between 1998 and 2001. I love the material they’re made from, and how they don’t quite look as neat and tidy as some of the more modern toys you see today. I recall purchasing a significant amount of them for one pound each! The Blastoise plush was purchased most recently in 2025, and I paid very little for it. It looked like it needed a good home! While I believe my days of taking one of these to bed to snuggle with are long over, they do bring back a lot of fond memories from such a special era of Pokémon.