Memories of Mew
We journey back in time to share the memories of a Pokémon fan called Paul Munn and the time he received his Mew!
Back in the year 2000, many Pokémon fans had only caught a glimpse of the mythical Mew in Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back. A mere handful of fans could claim they obtained the mythical 151st Pokémon legitimately on their copies of Red, Blue and Yellow, only possible by attending a select few events around the world. Paul Munn was one of those fans lucky enough to attend one of them, and receive a Mew for himself!
My precise memories of the day are foggy at best. The only thing that remains vivid for me was the elation and excitement of getting the Mythical Pokémon Mew. After months and months of playground rumours I was able to get my hands on it at last!!
Between September 1st - 3rd 2000, the European Finals of the Nintendo Pokémon Championships took place during the Pokémon World Exhibition at the Millennium Dome, in London, United Kingdom. Over 30,000 children from fourteen regional events across the country applied to take part in the European Championships. A range of activities were available during the event, with one of them being the Mew distribution.
I had no idea the European Finals were being held. All I knew, or cared about, was that I was getting a Mew. I remember standing next to the Pikachu bus thinking it was the coolest thing ever. There was someone walking around in a Charmander costume. My friends and I were among the first dozen or so people in the queue.
Clutching our Pokémon plushies and our Game Boys with giddy anticipation. The queue had increased in length dramatically by the time we came out so I'm glad we joined it early, giving us extra time to enjoy the various sights and experiences the venue had to offer.
Paul went on to tell me that he had to trade something from his copy of Pokémon Blue to obtain the Mew, and was scared that the Link Cable was going to come loose from the Game Boy and prevent him receiving it. He then told me about the rest of his day at the Pokémon World Exhibition and the other events he took part in.
There was a large hall filled with people playing Pokémon Red and Blue (presumably battling) and also the [trading card game]. There were TV stands with playable Pokémon Snap (am unsure if it had [been] released at that point), and they were having contests on Pokémon Stadium (the minigames). I took part in one and won! It was on the Run Rattata Run game.
All in all it was a great day and [I] am so glad I have these photos to help me hold onto that memory.
Sadly, Paul explained that his beloved Mew is no more, after eventually trading it over to Pokémon Gold and discovering that his save data was wiped. It’s unclear if this is due to the game’s battery failing, or some other reason. Regardless, the memories of that special day will be much harder to erase.
Here are some more photographs that Paul provided from his special day!
Such precious memories, moments... Thanks for sharing it with us Paul!!! And also thanks a lot Darren for making us learn about it! Amazing job #keepupthemostestamazingwork #pokemonforever