Interview with William Hung
An interview with William Hung, famous for his audition on American Idol. He made Top 32 in the Pokémon TCG at the 2005 Pokémon World Championships, and a writer for popular Pokémon fansite,
William Hung became a household name when he rose to fame in 2003 with his audition of Ricky Martin's "She Bangs" on the third season of American Idol. However, William was also involved in the Pokémon Trading Card Game community, placing in the top 32 of the 2005 Pokémon World Championships. Additionally, he was a regular contributor to a popular Pokémon fan website called Pojo. Despite being unsuccessful in his Idol audition, he built a cult following and went on to release several albums, reaching number one on Billboard's Top Independent Album Chart. William took some time out of his schedule to talk to me about his memories of Pokémon.
Thank you for taking the time to speak to us, William! Can you please introduce yourself to our readers?
Thank you for having me! My name is William Hung, and I’ve had quite a diverse journey in life. Most people know me from my time on American Idol, but before that, I was an avid fan of the Pokémon franchise, especially the Trading Card Game (TCG). I’ve always loved competition, strategy, and the sense of community that comes with playing games, and Pokémon has been a significant part of my life since its early days.
What was your introduction to Pokémon?
My introduction to Pokémon was like many others from my generation – through the animated TV show and the original Game Boy games. I was instantly hooked by the concept of catching and training different creatures. The TV show, with its memorable characters and adventures, really drew me in. But it was the Pokémon Trading Card Game that truly captivated me, providing a new way to experience the Pokémon world.
You were a Pokémon fan during its earliest era, commonly referred to as Pokémania. How impactful was the franchise for you and the people around you during that time?
The impact was enormous! During Pokémania, it felt like everyone was talking about Pokémon – whether it was the games, the TV show, or the cards. For me, it wasn’t just a hobby; it became a way to connect with friends and make new ones. Pokémon was more than just a game: it was a cultural phenomenon that brought people together, and I felt a deep sense of belonging within that community.
You were especially passionate about the Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG). What was it about the TCG that appealed to you so much?
The Pokémon TCG combined two things I love: strategy and collecting. I was fascinated by the depth of strategy involved in building decks and outplaying opponents. Each match felt like a mental puzzle, and I enjoyed the challenge of figuring out the best way to use my cards. Additionally, the collectible aspect of the TCG kept me invested – I was always on the lookout for rare cards to improve my deck.
I first heard about you when I interviewed Nick15 of Pokémon Aaah!, and he told me you used to visit his Pokémon TCG League in Oakland, California. What were your experiences taking part in these Leagues?
Most of my memory was playing in the Los Angeles area when [the] Pokémon TCG first came out. I remember how I worked my way up from City Championships, to State Championships, to National Championships, and eventually World Championships. I also made some lifelong friends.
You had some success professionally with the TCG, most notably placing in the top 32 of the Pokémon TCG 2005 World Championships! What was that experience like for you?
Competing in the 2005 World Championships was an unforgettable experience. To make it to the top 32 among some of the best players in the world was a huge accomplishment for me. The competition was fierce, and every match was a test of skill and endurance. It was thrilling to see all my hard work and dedication pay off on such a big stage.
You were a regular contributor to Pojo, one of the most well-known Pokémon websites that focused on the Pokémon TCG in the early era of the franchise. You used your knowledge of and experience with the TCG to contribute to their Cards of the Day section, and shared tips and opinions as part of a section called “William Hung's Underground Card Laboratory”. Tell us more about your involvement with the website.
Writing for Pojo was a fantastic opportunity to share my passion for the Pokémon TCG with a wider audience. It was a way for me to dive deep into the mechanics of the game, analyze cards, and offer strategies to other players. It was very rewarding to contribute to the community in that way and to see others benefit from my insights.

You wrote dozens of features for the website back then! Which articles are you most proud of?
I am most proud of "Gameplay 101: 5 Tips to Get Started" because it is an article that stood the test of time.
Which other Pokémon fan websites and communities did you frequent during your time playing the Pokémon TCG?
Aside from Pojo, I spent a lot of time on Pokémon Aaah!, which was run by Nick15. It was a great site for TCG news, deck strategies, and card spoilers. I also visited The PokéGym, which was another popular forum where players discussed strategies, shared deck ideas, and kept up with tournament news. These communities were instrumental in helping me stay connected with other players and stay on top of the latest trends in the TCG.
What were some of your favourite decks and cards to play with throughout the years?
One of my favorite decks was the Haymaker deck, which was very popular in the early days of the TCG. It was all about speed and efficiency, using strong Basic Pokémon like Hitmonchan and Electabuzz to quickly overwhelm opponents. Another favorite was the Gardevoir deck from the EX Sandstorm era, which had a lot of versatility and could adapt to different matchups. As for cards, I always had a soft spot for the original Charizard card – it’s such an iconic and powerful card.
In 2003, an audition on American Idol brought you overnight fame, which led to many cool opportunities such as a record deal and appearances on television, commercials, and movies! Did your celebrity status change the way you were viewed by local players and Pokémon fans who you knew and played with?
My sudden fame from American Idol definitely brought some changes, but within the Pokémon community, I was still the same William who loved the game. People were curious and excited to talk to me about my Idol experience, but when it came to playing the TCG, we were all just focused on the game. The community was supportive, and it was nice to see that despite everything, I could still enjoy the Pokémon TCG as a player among peers.
You have clearly had an eventful life up until this point! What are you up to these days?
These days, I’m focused on data science to grow my professional career, where I use my analysis and storytelling skills to contribute to public service. I’ve also been working on personal development projects, honing new skills and expanding my knowledge. But despite my busy schedule, I still make time to stay connected with the Pokémon world. I watch Pokémon TCG matches on YouTube whenever I get the chance, keeping up with the latest strategies, deck builds, and trends in the competitive scene.
I believe in following your passions, and even though my career has taken a different direction, I’m grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had because of my experiences with Pokémon and beyond. It’s been a consistent thread in my life, and staying up to date with the Pokémon TCG reminds me of the joy that first got me involved.
What kinds of Pokémon-related items and memorabilia have you kept from your childhood that mean something to you?
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to keep much of my Pokémon-related items and memorabilia from my childhood. However, the memories and experiences I gained during that time are what truly matter to me. The friendships I made, the tournaments I competed in, and the countless hours spent enjoying the game are what I cherish most. Even without the physical items, those memories remain vivid and meaningful to me.
The Pokémon TCG has continued to thrive throughout the years and is more popular than ever! How do you feel about where the game is today in 2024, compared to when you were competing in it?
It’s incredible to see how much the Pokémon TCG has evolved and grown over the years. The game has become even more dynamic with new mechanics and strategies, and it’s amazing to see such a diverse and passionate player base. I’m proud to have been part of the early days of the TCG, and it’s exciting to see how it continues to bring people together across generations.

Looking back, what were some of your fondest memories and moments from playing the Pokémon TCG?
Some of my fondest memories include the camaraderie of the local leagues, the thrill of competition at tournaments, and the friendships I made along the way. From middle school through high school, I was lucky to form lasting bonds with a few close friends who shared my passion for games and competitions. We would spend hours after school discussing strategies, playing together, and even hosting small tournaments of our own. Those experiences really strengthened our friendships.
Even now, I keep in touch with some of those friends. We catch up online, sharing updates about our lives and reminiscing about our time in school. It's great to see how far we've come and how some of those early hobbies still influence us today. Competing in the 2005 World Championships and writing for Pojo were definitely highlights, but the best part was always the connections I made with fellow players and the friends who have remained part of my life.
As we get older, we typically have less time for the things we love, but I was curious: do you think you would ever return to the Pokémon community to share your knowledge and experience and play the Pokémon TCG again?
As much as I loved being part of the Pokémon community and playing the TCG, life has definitely pulled me in a few different directions these days. I’m not actively involved right now, but I wouldn’t completely rule out a return. Pokémon has always been something special to me, and while I don’t see myself jumping back into it anytime soon, it’s always possible that I’ll reconnect with it in the future. The community is amazing, and if the right moment came, I’d be excited to share my experiences again. So, while it's probably a "not now," the door isn’t closed!
William, it has been fantastic to speak with you, and I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions! Do you have any closing comments you would like to share?
Thank you so much for having me! I just want to say that no matter where life takes you, it’s important to hold on to the things that bring you joy and connect you with others. For me, Pokémon has been one of those constants, and I’m grateful for all the memories it has given me. To all the Pokémon fans out there, keep enjoying the journey, and never stop catching ‘em all!
Special thanks to William for taking the time to speak to me, and sharing his memories of Pokémon. We wish him the very best of luck for everything ahead of him in his future.
Interview conducted on: October 26th, 2024
Interview published on: August 28th, 2024